IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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This chart depicts how many Olympic medals were gained by companions in some countries. Overall, it can be seen that all mentioned nations obtained three types of Olympic medals but with some differences.
The chart illustrates the full amount of Olympic medals triumphed by twelve different regions.
The bar chart shows all the victories that countries have had since the beginning of the Olympic games.
The bar graph illustrates how many winner of twelve different countries who participated in Olympics.
the bar chart gives us information about the total number of olympic golde,silver,bronze medals won by 12 different countries ,overall it can be seen that USA have the greatest number of medals .others countries get a
The bar graph illustrates the number of Olympic medals attained by twelve distinct countries (USA, Soviet Union, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Australia, Hungary, East Germany, Japan, China).
The bar chart compares the figures for achieving Olympic medals from different twelve nations in three colours.
The graph compares all the victories that countries have had since the beginning of the Olympic games.
The bar chart illustrates twelve countries in terms of the overall amount of metals that they have won at the Olympic games.
The bar chart compares twelve countries in terms of the overall number of medals that they have won at the Olympic Games.
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