IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie charts show the primary reasons for choosing a certain university based in the United Kingdom in 1987 and 2007. Overall, the preponderance of students opted for this university because it offered suitable degree
The pie charts provide infromation about the caused which led puplis to study at the UK University in 1987 and 2007.
The bar charts illustrate the main motives behind studying and the rate of support by employers based on age.
The bar graphs compare the principal causes for study between the age evolution of these and how much support they receive from their employers.
The provided information is based on two bar charts that depict the reasons why employees pursue studying and the possibilities of employers offering assistance to students, categorized by five age groups. The analysis r
The first bar chart illustrates the proportion of employers having a preference to continue their degree in five different age groups and the second one figures the percentage of employers who need time off and funding f
The charts illustrate the major conditions for study purpose for candidates of various ages, moreover; it also depicts the support which was given by the workers.
The two bar charts compare the causes motivating different age groups of people to study and the status quo of receiving support from their employers, individually.
The graph shows the main reasons for study in students of different age groups, and how much support they receive from their employers. The age group ranges from under 26 to over 49.
The first bar graph illustrates 2 main reasons of the students in different age groups which the reported reasons are for career and for interest. In addition, the second bar chart depicts the amount of employers support
The graph illustrates the percentage of comparison between students who take a study for career and students who study for interest and the support that they received from their employers.
The bar chart illustrates data pertaining to the primary purposes of study among learners of various age groups.
Containing in the bar chart is data pertaining to the primary purposes of study among learners of various age groups.
The given bar chart illustrate the percentage of students who choose two main reasons to study in 5 age groups.
The two bar graphs illustrate the correlation between various ages students' reasons for studying and the number of employees that support the student 's claims.
The provided bar graphs depict the proportions of the sudents of various age categories based on their reasons for studying and how much financial assitance and time off was given in each category by the employer.
The two bar charts present the major reasons pupils of various age groups study either for career or out of interest and the amount of assistance they get from employers with time off or by helping with fees.
The bar charts give information about the principal reasons chosen by the students for study showing us various groups and the volume of support that employers gave them.
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