IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table illustrates the trend of operation by train shipping in four different countries (Malaysia, Canada, China, and UAE) in 2007.
The presented table shows the data of transportation by train in Malaysia, Canada, China, and UAE in 2007. Generally, the figure highlights that among other countries, the railway transportation in Canada brought more ca
The table below shows three statistics about rail transport in 4 countries in the year 2007. Overall, there was a strong positive correlation between the number of people who used rail transport and kilometres travelled
The provided table represents statistics about railroad transportation in Malaysia, Canada, China and UAE in 2007. Overall, China had the largest number of people who used rail transport, accompanied by the longest dista
The table illustrates the rail transport in 2007 in Malaysia, Canada, China and UAE.
The table shows data about railroad transportation in Malaysia, Canada, China and the UAE in 2007. Overall, China had the largest number of people who use rail transport, accompanied by the longest kilometres per head of
The provided table illustrates statistical information concerning passengers, moving distance and cargo using rail transport in UK, USA, Japan and Italy in 2007.
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