IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The first pie chart provides information about the tendency of energy consumption in Australian household while the second pie chart demonstrates how this energy consumption leads to the greenhouse gas emissions.
The first pie chart illustrates the amount of energy utilized in an average Australian household. The second one demonstrates consequence of using energy leading to the greenhouse gas emissions.
The pie charts compare to the proportion of energy types used by Australian households with the proportion of gas emission derived from these energy types.
The charts illustrate the energy usage in a typical Australian family and the proportions of greenhouse gases released based on this energy consumption.
The pie graphs illustrate the average energy's consumption in Australian household and the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions resulting of these enery used.
The first pie chart compares the seven different usages of energy in the average Australian household. The second pie chart gives information about the amount of greenhouse gas emission from the result of the different u
The pie charts illustrate the energy consumption pattern of houses in Australia and the percentage contribution of these to greenhouse emissions.
The first pie chart illustrates the average proportion of energy consumed in Australian households, whereas the second graph reveals the figures for emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from the mentioned energy usage
The pie charts compare the average energy use in an Australian household with the greenhouse gas emissions which result from this energy use .
The first chart illustrates the Australian households energy spending. And secound chart describes the emission of greenhouse gases from the australian households
The pie charts illustrate the percentage of how people in Australia use energy at their house, categorised in six different types, and its impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Looking from an overall perspective, it is re
There are two pie charts provided. The first pie chart provides details about the energy usage needed by most Australian households, and the second pie chart illustrates the greenhouse gas emissions produced from the ene
The pie chart gives information about the proportion of electricity used and greenhouse gas realised within six household appliances in australia.
The two pie charts illustrate the average data collected from Australian households. The first pie chart displays the proportion of energy usage by different appliances, while the second chart shows the greenhouse gas em
The pie charts illustrate the Australian household energy usage by various appliances as well as the gas emissions in the conclusion to this energy consumption.
The presented pie charts illustrate the distribution of energy usage in a typical Australian household and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions.
The early chart depicts how Australia consumes average energy. The further chart illustrates the gas emission effect of the greenhouse as the result of that energy use.
The first given pie chart provides data on the amount of household energy used by Australian ,while the second chart illustrates the greenhouse gas emission which is produced from this energy. Overall, it can be distingu
The pie charts illustrate information related to the energy usage in diverse fields and their greenhouse gas radiation in an average Australian household.
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