IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie chart given illustrates the survey’s outcome of European adults about numerous leisure activities that had appeared from 1985 to 1995. Overall, watching TV still occupies the first position with the largest data
The chart illustrates the main reason behind the of phones by adolescents within the period of four years, between 2016 and 2019. This information was gotten from research done in an African country.
The pie charts below illustrate the reasons why graduates decided to do MBA and the criteria by which employers choose employees.
The pie charts compare the views of MBA employees with their employers. Overall, it is obvious that the reasons for interest are totally different for both groups.
The charts illustrate the result of a survey about the reasons why graduate students did an MBA and what values employees should have most. Overall, 65% of graduates take the course for a better occupation opportunity, w
The pie charts above summarize the results of a survey conducted amid MBA graduates and employers. The firsts were asked to explain the reasons for doing an MBA, the seconds indicated the skills that they value most. Whi
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