IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The graph illustrates the comparison of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth between the wealthy countries, the globalisers, and the non-globalisers in 1960 until 1990. Overall, it can be seen that the globalisers experie
The bar chart illustrates the data about the average annual GDP growth in three kinds of country such as rich countries, globalisers, and non-globalisers during a 30-year period from 1960s to 1990s.
The graph provides information on the yearly GDP growths of different nations in regard to their global approach over a thirty-year period. Overall, the globalizers nations had a steady rise in their GDP between the 1960
The bar chart illustrate the average increase in GDP in rich countries where global approach has been adapted. Countries with global approach to business and countries that have not.Globalisers had the biggest growth in
The bar chart illustrates the average increase in GDP in wealthy countries.The average increase in GDP in rich countries adapting. Globalisers had by far the biggest growth in GDP. While,the wealthy countries experienced
The bar chart presents the standard increment in national merchandise in affluent countries, regions that have been internationally integrated with business and those that have not.
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