IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The maps illustrate how a village called Stokeford has developed in 1930 and in 2010.
The map given illustrates the development of the village of Stokeford over a period between 1930 and 2010. From an overall perspective, it is evident that the town has transformed from a rural area with a lot of farmland
The maps display the village of Stokeford in two different years 1930 and 2010. It is clear from the graph that , the primary school increased in size, as well as the residential area, which is located on both sides of
The first picture illustrates the map of the village of Stokeford in 1930, and also the second picture shows transformation that been occurred over 80 year period.
The two maps display different situations in the Village of Stokeford in 1930 and after 8 decades
The presented flow chart delineates how Stokeford Village changed over a period of 8 decades between 1930 and 2010.
The two maps indicate the comparison between Stokeford in 1930 and in 2010. Throughout the 170 years, there are some significant changes have been made in the location.
The maps display the village of Stokeford in two different years 1930 and 2010.
These two maps show changes in a small village called Stokeford between 1930 and 2010.
The graphs indicate the progress of the Stokeford village during an 80-year interval.
Both maps display the village of Stockeford in two different years.
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