IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The lack of emphasis on teaching children about the value of money and financial management within the school curriculum is a glaring oversight with significant ramifications. I firmly agree that financial literacy is a
It has been a common fact that there are numerous students being ignorant of the significance of money. Nevertheless, considerable educational activist nowadays claim that the financial understanding and management are e
The value of salary is a significant issue worldwide, so the majority of schools concentrate on this topic in teaching their students. the bulk of institute education overworld striving to publish awareness among childre
It is true that less number of pupils understand how to handle their pocket money. Hence, it is argued by some that it is crucial to educate children on managing cash by introducing it as a compulsory subject in the prim
There is no doubt that extra- curriculum activities are an indispensable part of acedemics because these activities impart knowledge about values, attitudes and behaviour. Some people concern about the decreasing value o
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