IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The contemporary men and women are spending more time at work. This is not restricted to a single society and prevalent in many nations. The magnitude of this prevalence will be discussed in this essays while also unders
The problem of not having enough time for one’s personal life is becoming increasingly widespread. In this day and age, many people are caught up in the rat race of trying to make ends meet, and as a result, many of them
Recently, it has been observed that numerous people across the world has become work alcoholic and leaving with them very less or no space for family life. This problem has already spread worldwide and start affecting th
The time people devote in job leaves very little time for personal life was always a debatable topic. Many people believe that this shortage of time leads to many family problems and damages human relationships. I person
Although such topics, in all likelihood, never will yield a consensual agreement, a constructive dialogue on increased dedication towards the job reduces time for personal life can lead to thought-provoking discussions.
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