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The graph illustrates the usage of transport by teenagers in three different countries.
The bar chat depicts the percentile preferences of the means of transportation among young people in Great Britain, USA, Germany and France. Overall, it can be seen that the percentage of young people who uses car as a p
The bar chart illustrates the information about 3 different types of transport preferences of young people from 4 countries.The figures are given in terms of percentage.
The bar chart illustrates the favourite form of transportation for the young in four different countries : Great Britain, the USA, Germany and France.
The line graph illustrates the transport preferences (car, motorcycle and bicycle) among young people in Great Britain, USA, Germany and France.
The chart shows us the tranport preferences among young people from different countries. There are three countries' data's given from Europe, and other one shows us the USA's trends in terms of transportation preferences
The bar graph illustrates the ways for transportation that are preferred by the youth of countries like Great Britain, The USA, Germany, and France.
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