IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing with regard to the open position for the sports teacher in the school. We both know each other since my childhood and graduated from the same institute.
I am writing this letter with regards to the open position of sports teacher . Hence, I would like to recommend one of my childhood friends who knows me since my school days. In addition, we both did our schooling and gr
I am writing this letter with regards to the open position of sports teacher in our school. Hence, I would like to introduce one of my childhood friends since my elementary school days. I know him very well, in fact, my
I am writing this letter to accommodate my friend as a sports teacher,Therefore, MrSmith who has been almost more than a decade since I have known him personally. Moreover, one of our Colleagues shared the opening of a v
I am writing this letter to you to give the reference of one of my friends who is better suitable for the current opening of the sport teacher in our school.
I recently came to know that, there is a vacancy for sports teacher in our Institute. I am writing this letter to suggest you a person who is a perfect match for this role. He is my Childhood friend Ramesh Bhatt, living
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