IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Although we shared a good friendship in school we weren't in touch for long. Firstly, I apologize for not staying in contact with you after school. Nevertheless, better late than never now life has given us an opportunit
I want to apologise for not being in touch for so long, I hope you and everyone in the family is doing well. Last year, I kept myself away from digital platforms such as Facebook and Whatsapp and that's the primary reaso
I know it's been a while since our last letter and let me apologize for that, but it was for a goor reason: I was too busy dealing with some stuffs for my next trip, such as Visas and preparing the exam that I need to ta
It has been a long time since we talked to each other! I hope you are having a fantastic time in Copenhagen. I am really sorry for not staying in touch, these past months have been hectic. Hopefully we will have time to
I hope this letter finds you well. I am sorry for not making a contact with you since last year. This was mainly due to the reason that I deactivated my Instagram and Facebook due to my studies. Moreover, I lost your Wha
I am really sorry that I did not keep you in touch prolong months. Because recently I have been deactivated my Facebook and Instagram accounts because I need to focus more time on the university final year project. Moreo
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