IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent decades, space exploration for organisms has never failed to draw attention as well as provoke heated debates among the public. Despite the prejudices against this activity, I firmly believe that it is crucial
Since time immemorial, the significant usage of the authority fund has always been debated. Some people are of the impression that the regulators are wasting money to discover life on other planets while some are of the
Nowadays, governing bodies in many countries are using huge amount of money in search of life on other planets. However, many believe that these government resources should be utilized for serving the needs of the people
Many people believe that a huge amount of expenditure is being used in search of life in other planets whereas, others claim that governing bodies should utilize this money for solving citizens problems. However, I comp
Many people argue that the government should use the money in the right way to solve the instant social issues, like medical and economic. They should not spend so much money on other planets for the reason of exploring
With the development of science and technology, a large portion of scientists and researchers have been doing their utmost to stimulate the government to sponsor orders to carry out experiments on other planets, creati
Searching for other forms of life on new planets has caused a never-ending controversy as the government spends too much money on discovering new forms of life outside Earth. Among people are some who opine that authorit
It is considered that the government expended large amount of funds to create awareness about activities on other universe whereas some certain individuals viewed this as a waste of funds which should be spent on other p
The huge amount of money spent on discovery of extraterrestrial life by the authorities are of major concern to people. Some individuals argue that this is misspending, and the finance should be used to find solution to
Earth is the only planet that provides a livable environment for all living organisms. Due to the increased consumerism of the human population, slowly nature is revolting back at humans. As a result, scientists started
The advancement of technology has made it possible to hold big projects like searching life on other planets. Even though, people argue that the money spent on these works should be utilise for solving people's difficult
People in power spend each year billions of dollars on exploring the cosmos and looking for any signs. However, some people think that another public issue should be a priority and these expenses are redundant. I complet
Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, scientists tend to explore life on other planets with the help of given investment by the administration. However, it is considered that the authority has to control the budg
It is argued that for searching lies on different planets the authority is consuming a platform while many individuals believe that government have to pay more capital on the issues of the general public, rather than was
People in power spend each year billions of dollars on exploring the cosmos and looking for any signs. However, some people think that other public issues should be the priority and that these expenses are redundant. I c
People in power are spent each year billions of dollars for exploring the cosmos. However, some people think that this is redundant spending for society. I completely disagree that, because exploring or voyaging the cosm
Technology has developed so rapidly that the human species has started considering the possibility of finding suitable planets for colonization in the future. In fact, people are now raising the question of whether the g
The existence of life on other planets is one of the main questions for society. Thus, people in power are spent each year billions of dollars for exploring the cosmos. However, some people think that this is redundant s
Nowadays, the government is investing a huge amount of money to explore other planets in our galaxy. But, many people argue that instead of wasting money on the space it would be wiser to spend more budget in favour of t
The spend funds by the government towards the exploration of other planets for life. It is considered by few that this is a waste of money by the government ,instead it should be used on addressing the problems if publi
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