IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The require of the pure, fresh drink is growing daily and it has become a universal issue. Although, serious problems arisen as a result of this demand, steps can be taken to mitigate these potential problems.
The need of the pure, fresh water is becoming increasing daily and it has become a world-wide threat. This essay will discuss the reasons for that and possible solutions.
It is true that the demand of fresh water is increasing in every corner of the world and will increase further in the future. This is becoming a world-wide problem. In this essay I will state causes of this and will pro
It is true that the demand of fresh water is increasing in every corner of the world and will increase further in
The increasing demand for fresh water has become an international issue. There are number of factors which makes worse this problem such as, increasing population and too much of industrialization. Spreading awareness
Usage of salt free water is increasing every other day, and due to which, the water crisis is becoming an issue around the world. For such situation to arise there are many factors that can be taken into consideration. F
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