In recent years, the trend of youngsters gathering at shopping malls has gained momentum, fueled by various factors
as the proliferation of social media influence, peer pressure, and the allure of consumer culture. Contemporary discussions often centre around the impact on teenagers who spend
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in these locations, a topic extensively highlighted in media outlets. I firmly support the notion that
phenomenon yields adverse effects, a stance I will substantiate in the ensuing discourse.
On the one hand, undoubtedly, spending leisure moments in shopping malls yields economic benefits and enhances customer convenience. The influx of visitors to these establishments creates job opportunities within the retail sector,
fostering the expansion of hospitality services, thereby enriching the local workforce.
, the concentration of diverse retail outlets within a confined space, encompassing bookstores, clothing boutiques, supermarkets, and entertainment venues, facilitates the fulfilment of multifaceted needs
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and significantly reduces travel
, compelling arguments cast a shadow over these advantages. Primarily, the pervasive influence of in-store advertisements often derails customers from their intended spending patterns, leading to excessive consumption of
and finances.
, the environmental toll exacted by indoor environments, reliant on artificial lighting and air conditioning, underscores a pressing concern for sustainability.
, prolonged stays within these enclosed spaces may compromise teenagers' well-being, as scientific research extols the therapeutic benefits of outdoor activities for physical and mental recovery.
, the lack of exposure to natural sunlight and fresh air within mall environments can have detrimental effects on mood regulation and mental health, exacerbating feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression among the youth. As mounting evidence highlights the importance of outdoor recreation and nature-based activities in promoting
well-being, the potential health risks associated with excessive hours spent in shopping
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warrant careful consideration.
In summary, notwithstanding the economic perks associated with spending leisure
in shopping
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, I contend that
behaviour is detrimental to teenagers. I believe adolescents to judiciously allocate their leisure hours to activities that foster holistic well-being, prioritizing outdoor pursuits conducive to health and vitality.