2.Some high school leavers tent to travel or work while before going to university directly. What do you think are the advantages more than disadvantages?

As the world keeps developing, youngsters, nowadays, adopt numerous ways of skills, after finishing high school program some of them have a tendency toward travelling and working before enrolling in a university program. Personally, I believe that having living experiences first can benefit leavers in some equal measures but
have several drawbacks.
To begin
bias partly damages the adolescents' study process.
, as the stresses and difficulties from the workplace can negatively affect the youngsters' mentality,
, gaining experience, they
approach financial
which are the fundamental conditions of living,
, their mentality might deteriorate. A student,
for instance
, when he or she has no experience and encounters an aggressive complaint from customers, can lead to a spiritual shock.
, visiting places
not having enough knowledge about the world may lead them to scam or bully even worse. India,
for example
, is a dangerous country where kidnaps and robberies are likely to
be occurred
Change to the active voice
have occurred
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Correct word choice
and once
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they accidentally travel to
country may cause severe
for them.
On the other hand
, travelling and working can benefit them in many manners. To start with, youngsters can gain more realistic experiences. To cite an example, An American adolescent, when they travel to Viet Nam or Thai Land, could experience how a democratic government works in Viet Nam else they can find unique ways of cooking street food in Thai Land.
In Addition
, working allows them to enhance and improve their mentality in some measures. As they have undergone
in the workplace
Remove the comma
show examples
complaints from customers or bosses,
could shed light on controlling their emotions and facing
To sum up
, I acknowledge that, in some measures, people might find travelling and working before enrolling in university could be a drawback. But in my opinion,
idea is completely flawless.
Submitted by uy322415 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Gap year
  • Practical experiences
  • Soft skills
  • Cultural awareness
  • Financial independence
  • Burnout
  • Adaptability
  • Career decisions
  • Mental fatigue
  • Mature understanding
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