The pie charts compare the proportion of water consumption for industry,
agriculture, and domestic purpose in six separate regions of the world.
Overall, it is clear that water used for agriculture accounts for the largest
proportion, except for North America and Europe, mainly providing for
industrial use.
With regard to agricultural use, Central Asia is the area that uses the greatest
level of water, at exactly 88%, followed by the figure for Africa and South
East Asia, at 84% and 81% respectively. South America needs a smaller rate,
with 71%, compared to one-third of the total consumption in Europe.
In contrast, Europe area primarily uses water for industry, making up the
highest percentage among the remaining regions, over a half of the total.
Likewise, 48% of water is prioritized this purpose in North America,
contrasting to 10% of that in South America. A noticeable pattern is that all
six areas use an inconsiderable percentage of water for domestic purpose,
apart from South America, with 19%, being the most significant consumption