50 Latest Growth IELTS Topics

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Some people today believe that the world's increase in population is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that world population increase is necessary, and beneficial as it creates the growth of the world's economy and society. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
International travel has become cheaper these days, more and more nations are opening their doors, and more tourists are traveling abroad. Do the advantages of tourism growth outweigh the disadvantages?
Women play quite different role in society than twenty years ago. They make career growth, earn money, drive cars and spend less time with their children. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
major cities around the world are growing in size and spreading futher into surrounding areas. What are the causes of this growth? What effects is it having?
A growth number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including for food and research. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The growth of multinational companies and the resulting rise of globalization creates positive effects for all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Air traffic is increasingly leading to more noise, pollution and airport construction. One reason for this is the growth in low-cost passsenegr flights, ofte to holiday destinations. some people say that the governmanet should try to reduce the air traffic by taxing it more heavily. Do you agree or disagree?
The graph below shows the average growth in domestic products in wealthy countries, countries that have adopted a global approach to business and countries that have not.
Many argue that globalization has significantly contributed to economic growth and cultural exchange, while others believe it has led to increased inequality and the erosion of local traditions. What is your opinion on the impact of globalization? Do you think it is a force for positive change or does it pose more challenges than benefits? Support your viewpoint with relevant examples and experiences.
The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems to being overweight is increasing. What is the reason for the growth in over-weight people in the society? How can this problem be solved?
The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in town and cites closing. Do you agree or disagree?
There has been a dramatic growth in the number of people studying at universities in the last few decades. While some people see this as a positive trend which raises the general level of education within the community, others fear that it is lowering the quality of education. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the increase in student numbers at university?
The graph below shows the average growth in domestic products in wealthy countries, countries that have adopted global appraoach to business and countries that have not.
Taking parenting courses are the best way to ensure the Growth of kids. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Some people hold the opinion that children should obey certain rules made by teachers and parents. Others, however, feel that these rules only limit children’s growth and impact their adult life later. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people say that economic development is necessary to reduce poverty in the world. Others say that economic growth should be stopped as it damages the environment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The growth in crime among teenagers can be attributed to an increase in the use of violent video games. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that industrial growth is necesary to solve proverty, but some other people argue that industrial growth is leading to poverty and should be stopped. Discuss both view and give your opinion?
Some people today believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that a world population increase is necessary and beneficial as it creates the growth of the world’s economy and society. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
Many people believe that a country’s wealth is dependant on the health of its citizens. Other people argue that education is a better indicator of a nation’s wealth and well-being. What is your opinion? What are some other factors that contribute to the growth and prosperity of a country?
The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towans and cities closing do you agree or disagree??
The bar graph below shows the percentage growth in average property prices in three different countries between 2007 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Higher education costs Higher education could be funded in three ways. All costs paid by government, all costs paid by students or students paying all costs through a government loan. What are the advantages of these choices? The other way is for the student to pay for their own education.But there is good point.In this case , student will be more responsible.Modern youth is just as social as it is today.But the education payer himself is more an option to eliminate that laziness from the educational standpoint.The downside is that the student spends all his energy to pay the tuition.It will take its time and could have a negative impact on its growth as an intellectual individual because he has no time for development. Another option is a government loan to facilitate student payments.In this case ,the state can provide a high –paying job to facilitate student payments. In summarly
Some people support profesional women as it is good economical growth of a country.Whereas some other people think otherwise indicating family affairs connected to the most of the women. Disscuss both these views and give your opinion.
Many people believe that a country’s wealth is dependant on the health of its citizens. Other people argue that education is a better indicator of a nation’s wealth and well-being. What is your opinion? What are some other factors that contribute to the growth and prosperity of a country?
Some people say that industrial growth is necessary to solve poverty, but some other people argue that industrial growth his creating environment problem and it should be stopped. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
The map shows the growth of a village called Chorleywood between 1868 and 1994.
There has been a dramatic growth in the number of people studying at universities in the last few decades. While some people see this as a positive trend which raises the general level of education within the community, others fear that it is lowering the quality of educa''tion. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the increase in student numbers at university?
Some people say that industrial growth is necessary to solve poverty, but some other people argue that industrial growth is leading to poverty and it should be stopped. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Economic growth is the only way to end world poverty. However, some people say it leads to environmental damage and should be stopped. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
“The Growth of online shopping will one-day load to all shops in towns and cities closing “Do you agree or disagree.
The graphs below show a prediction to 2018 by the International Monetary Fund of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth.
The growth of online shopping will one day lead to the closure of the shops in cities and townsDo you agree or disagree
Chinwa: Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with the poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? How can the poor be helped? All nations have economically deprived persons, as well a various means with which they are dealt with. This essay will discuss some causative factors of global impoverishment, in terms of corruption and conflict, as well suggest means these individuals could be assisted. One of the major cause of poverty is corruption. This is because, resources proposed for economic development through building of infrastructures as well as industries, which will create jobs and better living conditions of citizens are embezzled, thus resulting in impoverishment. For instance, according to report from economic journal 55% of Nigeria citizens are impoverished which is due to high level corruption. In addition to this, conflict is another causative factor of economic deprivation. This is owing to the fact that lives, amenities, structures as well as businesses are destroyed in the advent of crisis. More so, people are constantly on the run, seeking asylum in neighbouring countries abandoning their properties. On the other hand, impoverished people could be assisted by the government in several ways. Firstly, leaders should channel more funds in the establishment of small and medium scale businesses for these individuals, as well as beefing up security in crisis prone areas, which would ensure safety properties and consequently improve their living condition. Secondly, strict policies and penalties ought to be implemented by the authorities on individual guilty of embezzling funds meant for economic growth. This however, will deter individuals from such act, therefore enhancing the financial growth of the people. For example, Japan is considered the country with the the least number of destitute, which is attributed to their zero tolerance to corruption. In conclusion, poverty is a major problem caused by series of factors, however, measures such as implementing regulations against corrupt actions, as well setting business ventures is means of assisting impoverished individuals
Air traffic is increasingly leading to more noise, pollution, and airport constuction. One reason for this is the growth in low-cost passenger flights, often to holiday destinations. Some people say that government should try to reduce air traffic by taxing it more heavily. Do you agree or disagree?
the growth of onilne shopping will one day lead to close all shops in towns do you agree or disagree?
The bar chart compares the yearly number of visitors in 3 different museums from 2007 to 2012. Overall, the peak of visitors' number was in 2012, while the lowest point was in 2009 and 2010. Victoria and Albert Museum was the most popular from 2007 to 2009. During 2007-2008 its annual number of visitors remained constant at about 14 million people per year. However, the figure started to decline rapidly in 2009, and reached its lowest point of about 8 millions in 2010, becoming the least popular museum for the rest of the period. After that, the number of Victoria and Albert Museum's visitors gradually rose up to 10 million visitors within 2 years. British Museum was the second most popular in 2007, being outraced by Victoria and Albert Museum. Nevertheless, its number of visitors experienced a sharp fall in 2008 and remained unchanged the following year. Then, the figure started to increase. It reached its peak of approximately 14 million visitors in 2012, regaining its position of 2007. National Gallery Museum showed the most notable development with a steady growth throughout the period. Being the least popular museum in the beginning, it experienced a growth of more than 10 million visitors over 6-year period, and became the most visited museum in 2012.
The line graph shows the projected population growth of China and India. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
In many countries, the government prioritises economic growth above all other concerns. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.
According to certain studies, despite unprecedented growth in the international trade, poor nations have not been able to get the benefits of globalization. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in town and city closing do you agree or disagree?
The problem of obesity is becoming a serious issue all over the world. Some people argue that the price of fattening foods should be increased to reduce the growth of this problem. Do you agree or disagree?
The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Dow you agree or disagree?
The given table depicts the information about the proportion of number of children ever born ta a female aged 40-44 in Australia for each year after 1981. Overall, the percentage of women in Australia with no children have increased in a times span of two decades and several years, where as the percentage of women with four or more children has decreased with a great margin. Starting from, the proportion of females in Australia with no children have increased with 1.2% in first 5 years where as in next 25 years it jumped up to 15.9%. similarly the proportion of women with one child also increased in 2006 up to 13.2% where whereas it was only 7.6 in 1981. Linking to it, the females with two children have showed a steady growth up to 38.3 in 2006 as compared to 27.4% in year. Moving for the, the woman with three children have showed a study decline. Adding to it, the percentage of women with four or more children follows a similar trend where it dropped up to 11% in 2006 compared to 27.6%.
The best way to ensure the growth of children is to make parents take parenting courses. Do you agree or disagree?
According to certain studies, despite unprecedented growth in the international trade, poor nations have not been able to get the benefits of globalisation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Many countries are experiencing population growth and need more houses. Should these new homes be constructed in existing cities or should new towns be built in the countryside. What is your opinion?
The number of people who are at the risk of serious health problems due to being overweight is increasing. What are the reasons for growth in the overweight people in the society. How can this problem be solved.
Innovation is often driven by the pursuit of profit and economic growth . However , some argue that it should prioritize addressing social and environmental issues . Discuss both sides and give your own opinion
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